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  1. What are the effects of small molecule active peptides on human cells?

  2. Why does small molecule active peptide have such effect?


Molecular active peptide, also known as ultra-low molecular weight oligopeptide, English Name: zel'ner, is a biochemical substance between amino acids and proteins

Small molecule active peptide is a kind of biochemical substance between amino acid and protein. Small molecule active peptide has smaller molecular weight than protein and larger molecular weight than amino acid. Small molecule active peptide is a segment of protein. The small molecule active peptide produced by Taiai peptide is easily absorbed and plays an important role in the products related to small molecule active peptide.

With the development of biological research, the concept of small molecule active days has been well known. The "amino acid chain" or "amino acid chain" formed by connecting more than two amino acids with peptide bond is called peptide. Among them, the peptide composed of more than 10-15 amino acids is called peptide, while the peptide composed of 2-9 amino acids is called oligopeptide, and the peptide composed of 2-15 amino acids is called small molecule peptide or small peptide.

As we all know, human body is composed of cells, which are composed of water, protein, fat, sugar and minerals. Among them, water accounts for 85% - 90%, protein accounts for 7% - 10%, fat accounts for 1% - 2%, sugar accounts for 1% - 1.5% and mineral accounts for 1% - 1.5%. Therefore, to remove most of the water, protein is the most important material for human body. In the past, it was thought that amino acids formed proteins directly, but through the research of peptides, it was found that amino acids could not form proteins directly, but had to combine with each other to form peptide chains, and then the peptide chains formed proteins through folding and winding. Small peptide, because of its simple structure, small molecular weight and unsaturation, can enter the cell directly in its original form through the penetration of cell membrane without re digestion or energy consumption. Therefore, the absorption, transformation and utilization of small molecular peptides are efficient, complete and thorough.

"The absorption of proteins in the form of small peptides by the human body is a major discovery of life science in this century." This new discovery of peptide technology has been applied to the field of life science.

What are the effects of small molecule active peptides on human cells?

1、 Action of small molecule active peptide on bone system:

Small molecule active peptide can promote the formation of a large number of osteoblasts, inhibit osteoclasts, and regulate the diseases caused by osteoporosis, osteonecrosis of the femoral head, arthritis and calcium deficiency.

2、 Action of small molecule active peptide on circulatory system:

Small molecule active peptide can reduce blood viscosity, clear LDL, prevent arteriosclerosis, enhance the elasticity of myocardium and blood vessels, and effectively regulate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3、 Effect of small molecule active peptide on respiratory system:

Small molecule active peptide can activate lung cells, modify blood and blood barrier, remove lung toxin, prevent and regulate respiratory diseases such as emphysema and insufficient oxygen supply.

4、 Effect of small molecule active peptide on digestive system:

Small molecule active peptide can be absorbed directly by gastrointestinal wall cells, activate gastrointestinal function, promote the secretion of digestive enzymes, increase appetite and regulate chronic gastrointestinal patients.

5、 Action of small molecule active peptide on nervous system:

Small molecule active peptide can activate the function of nervous system, promote the formation of dendrites in brain cells, reverse brain atrophy and strengthen deep sleep. Prevent and regulate memory loss, nerve headache, neurasthenia, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

6、 Effect of small molecule active peptide on immune system:

Small molecule active peptide stimulates thymus regeneration, accelerates the generation of lymphoid T cells, B cells and NK cells, enhances the phagocyte's ability to phagocytize virus and cancer cells, improves immune function, and prevents tumor and cancer.

7、 Effects of small molecule active peptide on endocrine system:

Small molecule active peptide can reverse the degradation of endocrine organs, promote the normal secretion of hormones and various enzymes, increase the development of renal function and sexual organs, and prevent and regulate diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

Why does small molecule active peptide have such effect?

Because the human body is composed of cells, which are composed of water, protein, fat, sugar and minerals. Among them, water accounts for 85% - 90%, protein accounts for 7% - 10%, fat accounts for 1% - 2%, sugar accounts for 1% - 1.5% and mineral accounts for 1% - 1.5%. Therefore, to remove most of the water, protein is the most important material for human body. In the past, it was thought that amino acids formed proteins directly, but through the study of small molecule active peptides, it was found that amino acids could not form proteins directly, but had to combine with each other to form peptide chains, and then the peptide chains formed proteins through folding and winding.

The human body replenishes Sanjiu protein peptide is to replenish small molecule active peptide, which can enhance, activate and repair the immune function of the low immune function, immune function degradation and immune dysfunction. When the immune system is attacked and attacked, it can resist and protect, and effectively improve the anti-virus and anti bacterial ability of human body.

Small molecule active peptide is the basic material for all cells of human body. All muscle and connective tissue of human body, acid for promoting biochemical reaction in vivo, hormone for regulating physiology, carrier for transporting oxygen or other ions, antibody for resisting bacteria, etc. are small molecule active peptide, such as muscle, hair, stomach protein acid, hemoglobin, etc. are all composed of small molecule active peptide. So our whole body is small molecule active peptide. In addition, cell renewal, metabolism, growth and repair are inseparable from peptide. Small molecule active peptide is the form of life. Without small molecule active peptide, cell has no activity; without small molecule active peptide, organ has no activity.

Small molecule active peptide directly replenishes the peptide substance needed by human cells, which is the key.

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Chengdu Shengnuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has "Chengdu polypeptide drug engineering technology research center" in Chengdu, mainly engaged in polypeptide, polypeptide drug and beauty peptide research. Our zero defect has passed the FDA certification, and now it has become the first-class professional peptide drug and product development, technology transfer, technical service and peptide drug industry in the scale production and export of China's parks.

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