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"Children are the flowers of our country" is a saying that has been deeply influenced by us. However, in the early 1960s, 20000-43000 cases of polio (poliomyelitis) were reported every year in our country. Therefore, the flowers of our country are threatened by disability and death.

Polio also plagues the whole world. For this reason, the World Health Organization has designated December 15 as the world intensified immunization day, and through various measures, it is committed to eliminating polio, supplementing and improving routine immunization. In order to improve the health quality of the whole nation, China also attaches great importance to and strengthens the vaccination work. At the same time, the four strategies of polio eradication recommended by the World Health Organization, including routine immunization, mass movement, monitoring and sweeping vaccination, were adopted to vaccinate children free of charge and strengthen immunization.

Of course, polio is only a part of the world immunization day, which is more important for us to pay attention to the concept of immunization.

In order to improve the health quality of the whole nation, we must pay attention to the work of vaccination, and also pay attention to the correct rules and habits of daily life. Only by taking multiple measures, can we effectively improve population immunity and ensure that the whole people have good health quality.

In today's society, sub-health is the main cause of low immunity

In modern society, staying up late is one of the main factors that cause the decline of immunity. Both the office workers and the students can not guarantee enough sleep, and make the body in the sub-health state of load for a long time, so the body immunity has declined again and again.

Not exercising for a long time is also one of the root causes. Life begins with exercise, but now people are either staying at home for a long time or using cars instead of walking. They can't get enough exercise, which will affect the metabolism of the body and lead to the decline of immunity.

In addition, bad mood, indiscriminate drug taking, smoking and drinking will lead to low immunity, which is a common problem of contemporary young people.

The misunderstanding of improving immunity: higher is better? No!

Immunity is like blood pressure and blood sugar, too high and too low will have a negative impact, too low is easy to cause bacterial and viral infection; too high, too strong immune response, too destructive, easy to suffer from autoimmune diseases like lupus erythematosus. So immunity also needs to be maintained in a balanced state.

Although the body needs our protection, excessive protection will make the body's immune system more vulnerable, especially for children's growth. Similarly, the elderly or sub-health population should not take medicine or health products to enhance their immunity, and all drugs should follow the doctor's orders.

In addition, immunity is not equal to resistance, just one of many resistance, so don't misunderstand!

It's not hard to strengthen immunity, self-discipline is the key

In order to improve immunity, we should first establish and maintain a good living habit, sleep on time, eat three meals regularly, learn to keep healthy, exercise and strengthen our own physique.

In addition, a good mood can not be ignored. Learning to relieve pressure and adjust our mood is also very important for our health.

Nowadays, even some immune diseases can be controlled and treated by drugs. For example, for immune diseases, the thymopentin for injection developed by suno has a good therapeutic effect, especially for various primary or secondary T-cell defects (such as children's congenital immune defects); some autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.); and various diseases and tumors with low cellular immune function Treatment and so on, all have very good effect. But the best treatment is still to improve autoimmunity and eliminate all diseases at the source.

shennuo bio has always been committed to building an integrated management system of "quality, environment and safety" and emphasizing the promotion of scientific and healthy life philosophy. I hope that readers will pay attention to the cultivation of correct living habits and have a positive and energetic life.

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Chengdu Shengnuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has "Chengdu polypeptide drug engineering technology research center" in Chengdu, mainly engaged in polypeptide, polypeptide drug and beauty peptide research. Our zero defect has passed the FDA certification, and now it has become the first-class professional peptide drug and product development, technology transfer, technical service and peptide drug industry in the scale production and export of China's parks.

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