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1. Osteoporosis

2. Lumbar spondylosis

3. Cervical spondylosis

4. Ligament laceration

5. Knee arthritis: degenerative disease, synovitis, meniscus injury

6. Backache

7. Necrosis of femoral head



Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in the elderly. The older the patient, the higher the incidence rate. The disability rate is as high as 53%. In 2015, the number of osteoarthritis patients in China reached 150 million. Osteoarthritis has become the number one killer for the elderly.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

\1. Osteoporosis

Sufficient collagen is connected to form a net, and calcium is attached to collagen fiber to form bone. Osteoporosis, in short, is the lack of collagen and calcium, the main raw materials of bone. The loss of collagen is accelerated and the synthesis is reduced, so it is difficult to keep calcium in the bone. The main clinical manifestations are backache, bone pain and fracture.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

Therefore, it is necessary to supplement peptides in time to make bone cells secrete more collagen to retain calcium, so as to improve bone density. When taking small molecule collagen peptide, bone cells will produce more collagen fiber, so that the calcium in the body can stay well on it, so the degree of osteoporosis will slowly reduce.

\2. Lumbar spondylosis

Lumbar disc herniation is more common in young adults aged 20-45 years, with more males than females. The lumbar disc is composed of nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus. Like QQ sugar, nucleus pulposus is full of elasticity and water. The outer fiber ring is just like the crispy bone, full of elasticity and moisture, with a certain hardness, to protect the nucleus pulposus inside. In fact, the vertebral body is the bone. The nerves in the cauda equina are dense. These nerves are fixed in the "pen tube" like a brush, and the nerves in the lower limbs are all in it.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

Collagen is the most important structural material in the intervertebral disc. It weaves a net in our body. Only when there is a net frame, other components can attach to it to form the tissue we see. The supplement of peptide can supplement the raw materials needed by the intervertebral disc. Various lumbar diseases caused by the lack of raw materials can be repaired slowly.

\3. Cervical spondylosis

The structural components of the cervical and lumbar discs are the same. The difference is that there are abundant blood vessels near the cervical spine, including the vertebral artery. Therefore, if it is cervical spondylosis, the symptoms are different from those of lumbar spondylosis. The most serious one is paralysis below the neck. If compressed to the vertebral artery, there will be insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, dizziness and other phenomena.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

Supplement peptide, so that osteocytes and chondrocytes get sufficient nutrition, so that they can reduce or even return to normal state in the process of peptide activation and repair.

\4. Ligament laceration

Most of the ligaments are around the joint or in the joint cavity. They are elastic, can connect the bones together, and can fix some organs such as liver, spleen, kidney and so on. The main raw materials of ligament are collagen fiber and elastic fiber. Taking peptide can provide raw materials for damaged ligament and repair damaged ligament.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

At the same time, peptide has the function of anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory. It will produce more free radicals and inflammatory substances in the injured area, so it can inhibit the inflammation while repairing, and make the tissue quickly repair to the normal state.

\5. Knee arthritis: degenerative disease, synovitis, meniscus injury

Arthritis, known as "cancer that never dies.". Its incidence rate exceeds that of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which brings heavy burden to patients themselves and families. Joint pain, root in cartilage! The collagen content of cartilage is very high, it weaves into a net, which is inlaid with proteoglycan and water, and also contains a small amount of minerals and fat. The net locks in water and proteoglycans, but by the age of 20, joints begin to deteriorate. Collagen fiber begins to cross link and lose elasticity. Cartilage endows cartilage with elasticity.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

The ability of cells to synthesize proteoglycans also decreased, resulting in the decrease of cartilage elasticity. With the appearance of osteoporosis and wear caused by sports or trauma, arthritis gradually forms. After taking the active peptide, the body gets the raw material, and the chondrocytes start to "work". It secretes enough collagen fiber to weave a net, and then secretes proteoglycan. With the collagen fiber and proteoglycan, it stores enough water, and the cartilage can be slowly repaired. In addition, inflammation causes pain, peptide has a good anti-inflammatory effect, coupled with the activation of chondrocyte activity, the joint can be restored to health.

\6. Backache

Lumbago muscle ache is related to keeping a posture for a long time, and muscle spasm, while other muscles do not exert force because they do not move for a long time. In osteoporosis patients, people who feel waist and back pain are the most, followed by shoulder and back, neck or wrist, ankle (ankle) pain, and general weakness. The pain area is extensive, and the symptoms are light and heavy.

How to solve the bone and joint diseases that make people headache

Taking peptide can repair the damaged muscles and keep the calcium in the body. Therefore, whether it is the back ache caused by osteoporosis or the ache caused by muscle injury, it will recover quickly. Compared with muscle injury, the recovery time of osteoporosis is relatively slow. When the degree of osteoporosis is reduced, the ache will also disappear slowly.

\7. Necrosis of femoral head

Osteonecrosis of the femoral head is also a common osteoarthropathy, which can't walk in severe cases. The walking ability was restored by joint replacement. Take peptide to solve the nutritional needs of bone, activate the vitality of bone cells and chondrocytes, and repair the damaged tissue.


There are two kinds of fracture, one is from a high place, the other is serious osteoporosis. When osteoporosis is serious, because the strength and flexibility of the bones are reduced, slight pushing, falling, even riding and coughing can cause fractures. The most common fracture sites are spine vertebrae, wrist and hip. Peptide is very good for bone repair. Taking peptide during fracture healing can shorten healing time and significantly improve bone density.

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Chengdu Shengnuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has "Chengdu polypeptide drug engineering technology research center" in Chengdu, mainly engaged in polypeptide, polypeptide drug and beauty peptide research. Our zero defect has passed the FDA certification, and now it has become the first-class professional peptide drug and product development, technology transfer, technical service and peptide drug industry in the scale production and export of China's parks.

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