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1、 The effect of small molecular peptide on osteoarthropathy

Small molecular peptide can achieve new bone cell regeneration, restore cartilage and joint fluid function, and effectively prevent and recover osteoporosis. This most direct ability of bone regeneration can not be achieved by any medicine.

Peptide, is the God of protection for patients with rheumatic osteopathy. Rheumatic osteopathy is a disease that makes people feel anxious. When it hurts, life is not like death, and life cannot take care of itself, just like a waste person. If we can, we will not go away for decades. If we spend a lot of money, we will not be able to cure it. We have no choice.

There is still no new improvement in the treatment methods of modern medicine, such as analgesics, hormone drugs and surgery. Because the pathogenic factors have penetrated into the deep of fascia, joint and bone marrow, general drugs can not reach the focus at all, nor can they resolve the abnormal deposition of bone. Including bone spur and hyperosteogeny, which can not prevent the continuous loss of bone mass, including insufficient bone mass, osteoporosis, and inability to repair the damaged bone tissue and bone joints, including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and necrosis of the femoral head.

For rheumatism, small molecular peptide has significant inhibitory effect on rheumatism and rheumatoid factors. Experts predict: in the future, medical peptide will become the most promising product of anti rheumatism.

2、 Small molecule peptide for diabetes

Small peptide can directly bind to islet cells. On the one hand, it can enhance the vitality of insulin cells, on the other hand, it can self construct new islet cells, promote the secretion of insulin, and realize the control and rehabilitation of diabetes from the root.

Peptide is a close health care doctor for diabetic patients. Diabetes is a disturbing disease. It can't be eaten or drunk. Take medicine immediately, inject every day, and watch the blood sugar anxiously every day. Once the disease occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

Modern medicine, for a long time, has been trapped in a misunderstanding of the treatment method which is mainly based on drug hypoglycemic. The adverse reactions of hypoglycemic drugs have caused great harm to diabetic patients. The advent of peptide brings a new dawn for diabetic patients. Among them, the peptide similar to α - glucosidase inhibitor can directly participate in stable hypoglycemia, and has no side effects of hypoglycemic drugs. More importantly, it can directly participate in the repair of damaged β cells responsible for insulin secretion, activate the activity of insulin receptor on cell membrane, and reduce insulin resistance.

More than 90% of middle-aged and old people's diabetes belong to insulin resistance type. Peptide can guide insulin into cells smoothly like Messenger, convert blood sugar into energy, and provide the best raw materials for the synthesis of insulin, as well as for the synthesis of other peptide substances such as gastrointestinal inhibitory peptide and galanin, which are involved in the control of blood sugar. At the same time, it also has very important physiological and pharmacological functions such as regulating blood lipid, regulating blood pressure, strengthening immunity, antioxidation, anti infection, etc., which can comprehensively enhance the disease resistance of patients and effectively prevent all complications of diabetes.

3、 Effects of small molecular peptide on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Small molecular peptide is an important nutrient for the formation of vascular wall cells. Under its function, the vascular wall can achieve elastic enhancement, so as to expand blood vessels. In addition, small peptide also has nutritional construction effect on cardiomyocytes. It has achieved remarkable clinical effect on three high disease, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases caused by cardio cerebrovascular disease.

Peptide is a blood washing machine for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease is a disease that makes people panic. The first minute is good, the second minute is not good, and there is no time for rescue. In modern medicine, antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs are the main treatment. And a very low rate of reaching the standard and many adverse reactions can not cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases at all. The appearance of peptide provides a new weapon for overcoming cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4、 The effect of small molecule active peptide on tumor

Clinical practice has proved that the active peptide can nourish normal cells, activate self immunity, and fight against cancer cells, so as to help tumor recovery. After all, the underlying cause of cancer is lack of immunity.

Peptide is a knife bodyguard and bodyguard for cancer patients. Cancer is a painful disease. When life enters the countdown, we count our lives every day. We are afraid of the suffering of pain and the tragedy of death, which makes everyone feel very sad.

The three major methods of modern medicine, including surgery, medicine and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, are still powerless. The birth of peptide brings new hope to all cancer patients. Thymosin 28 peptide, cyclopeptide, 8 peptide, 9 peptide and leuprorelin peptide are the first to treat prostate cancer. These anti-tumor peptides can not only kill cancer cells directly and protect normal cells, but also cut off the neovascularization that cancer cells depend on to survive in the way of food shortage, so as to starve cancer cells. It can not only significantly increase the number and activity of NK immune cells specialized in phagocytosis of cancer cells in the body, but also eliminate too many free radicals through strong anti-oxidation function, so as to prevent cell gene from mutation. In addition, it can also reduce and eliminate the serious injury caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Guangdong Zhuhai hospital has proved this point by using small molecular peptide to rectal cancer. It has greatly improved the immune function of postoperative patients through the pun effect of nutrition and immunity. It not only shortens the hospitalization time but also reduces the postoperative complications.

5、 The effect of small molecule active peptide on respiratory diseases

Like chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema, it is also caused by the lack of a peptide bradykinin, also known as 9 peptide, in respiratory organs such as lungs, trachea and bronchi. In the absence of this peptide, when the trachea is stimulated, it is easy to contract, resulting in coughing, smooth muscle spasm, asthma, weak alveolar activity, and failure to complete gas exchange normally, which will cause dyspnea, edema, and finally respiratory failure leading to death.

After peptide supplementation, the ability of inhibiting contraction and spasm of tracheal smooth muscle was enhanced, and the symptoms of cough and asthma were eliminated. What's more, it increases the immunity and the activity of the alveoli, so that the breathing is naturally smooth. So, we describe peptides as manna and oxygen bar of patients with respiratory diseases.

6、 Small molecule active peptide for liver diseases

As we all know, the liver itself does not break down toxins. It is a kind of peptide naturally produced by the liver that decomposes toxin. It is called glutathione 3 peptide. So what does the liver do? It's responsible for making glutathione, which is needed in the body.

Before and after drinking a little small molecule active peptide, not only the amount of alcohol will increase, the next day is not uncomfortable, why? It is because peptide can help the liver to synthesize more glutathione, so it can relieve alcohol and protect the liver. Staying up late and tired, smoking and drinking, and working pressure can cause liver problems, so these people need to supplement peptide immediately. As for a variety of hepatitis A, hepatitis B, fatty liver, alcoholic liver, cirrhosis, liver ascites and other patients, it should be peptide as the first choice.

7、 Other diseases

Peptide has achieved far better than expected results in many clinical practices, such as insomnia, depression, reproductive disorders, anti-aging, sub-health and so on. This fully proves that peptide, as the original composition and nutrition maintenance of cells, has the powerful function of shaping and reconstructing the original source of life.

People's thinking, imagination, and memory all kinds of feelings are also completed by peptides in our body, called neuropeptides. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, brain atrophy and memory loss are all caused by the lack of neuropeptides, which need to be supplemented immediately.

Some people's hair is very early white, fall almost, the skin also has no luster, no elasticity, wrinkles and spots have come out, how to do? With all kinds of hair dye, all kinds of cosmetics, all kinds of beauty, all these are superficial. The root cause of these problems is that there are too many metalloproteinases in our body, which consume all the collagen peptides in our skin. Therefore, the direct supplement of small molecule collagen peptide can make the skin cells not dry, moist and full, increase the skin tension and elasticity, shrink the pores, make the skin white and wrinkle free, and solve the troubles caused by the skin problems quickly.

But we need to keep in mind that we need to supplement collagen peptide. Macromolecules are not good. Most of the peptides used in beauty products now have a molecular weight of more than 3000 daltons, which are difficult to be absorbed by the skin. Therefore, we must choose a small molecule active peptide with a molecular weight of less than 1000 daltons.

Small peptides are so active that they can react with air. All substances enter the human body through digestion and absorption before being used. Only small molecule active peptide does not involve digestion in human body, it can be directly absorbed and utilized by human body, even if a person's intestine and stomach are removed, but as long as small molecule active peptide enters the body, it can be directly absorbed and utilized without gastrointestinal digestion.

A nanometer is equivalent to one millionth of a millimeter. The molecular structure of small molecule active peptide is many times smaller than that of nanometer. It can be directly absorbed and utilized in two minutes in human body, and the utilization rate is as high as 95%. It directly acts on the skin surface, and can be absorbed by itself without diluting and dissolving. However, our daily intake of nutritional protein, at least two hours to be absorbed, and the absorption rate is only about 20% - 30%.


It contains 17 kinds of amino acids necessary for human body, providing amino acids and peptide nutrition.

Significant function

It has the functions of lowering blood pressure, reducing blood fat, strengthening immunity, anti-oxidation, anti-tumor, anti fatigue, protecting liver, detoxification and beautification.

Easy to absorb

The absorption of small molecule active peptide is better than that of single amino acid or protein.

Promote mineral absorption: combine with metal ions.

Reduce weight

Small molecule active peptide can strengthen fat mobilization and accelerate fat metabolism.


Small molecule active peptide has strong hygroscopicity. It can moisturize, tender and whiten skin when added to cosmetics, and can provide small peptide nutrition.


The small molecule active peptide is completely soluble in water at large pH.


At low or high temperature, the components of small molecular active peptides do not change and the solubility is not affected.


It comes from pure natural green food, safe and non-toxic.

Main functions

Three reduction, three resistance and three addition

Three falls: reduce blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar

Three anti-oxidation, anti fatigue and anti-tumor

Three plus: enhance immunity, increase detoxification function and increase liver protection

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About Shengnuo

Chengdu Shengnuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has "Chengdu polypeptide drug engineering technology research center" in Chengdu, mainly engaged in polypeptide, polypeptide drug and beauty peptide research. Our zero defect has passed the FDA certification, and now it has become the first-class professional peptide drug and product development, technology transfer, technical service and peptide drug industry in the scale production and export of China's parks.

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